Wednesday, December 25, 2019

The Burden Sharing Behavior Of Gulf Cooperation Council (...

The purpose of this paper is to examine the burden-sharing behavior of Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) members and their response to the military burden of Iran. Quantitative methods are used to test the study’s hypothesis. The findings suggest that the large GCC member (Saudi Arabia) is in military burden- at a greater rate than smaller GCC members. In accordance with the logic of collective action, I tested the hypothesis that small alliance members will be free riders. I show that the Vector Auto Regression (VAR) model captures the dynamic feature of GCC’s behavior. The findings show non-cooperative behavior among GCC members concerning their level of military burden towards Iran, and small members of GCC who are free riders on the†¦show more content†¦Because of this, the Arabian Gulf States should work collectively to fill the power vacuum and increase the level of security in the Arabian Gulf region. This study would focus on the effects of free-riding on security arrangements among the Arabian Gulf states. Finally, applying the same framework of the NATO on the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) could help the Gulf States play a larger role in their region. There is serious concern for the entire world about the Arabian Gulf security. Iran’s expanding ambition rose to new heights when its nuclear ambitions were revealed to the world. In fact, Iran’s nuclear ambition has alerted regional and international concerns about the future stability and security. This paper is important because it will contribute to the existing literature of collective action studies in general and the Arabian Gulf in particular. This study would provide valuable information to many stakeholders. First, this research will give scientific predictors of future procedures that should be taken to improve the regional security. It will also shed light on identifying the type of course of action to help identify the best policies in dealing with the security dilemma. This paper consists of two major sections: First, describe some aspects of the different concepts of security in the Arabian Gulf region, evaluate a collective action framework with an

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